Hosted by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI)
Session 1 Artificial Intelligence and Child Abuse Investigations
The rise of generative artificial intelligence promises to alter the child protection landscape in critical ways, both positive and negative. Learn AI's relevance for law enforcement and MDTs, including investigative utility, courtroom testimony, synthetic abuse production, and the prominence of deepfakes and sextortion. Presented by a former prosecutor and a child exploitation detective, the course will also explore the challenges of existing legal frameworks and their relation to artificial intelligence.
Session 2 Beyond He Said, She Said: Corroborating Evidence in the Digital Age
Despite the presence of corroborating evidence in every child sexual abuse case, child protection professionals often miss the full potential of this vital component. This workshop taught by a former prosecutor equips attendees to maximize various underutilized avenues of corroboration, focusing on forensic interviews, internet of things (IoT) devices, numerous other forms of digital evidence, and tools for practitioners.